If you have suggestions on how it could be improved, let me know. V1.0 – This is the first release of this lot trait. By visiting an Alien Landing Zone, your Sim becomes considerably more likely (about an 80% chance) to be abducted by aliens upon returning home unless your Sim is an alien.When the aliens appear, most Sims will receive a new buff while there are special new buffs for Geek, Genius, Paranoid, and Alien Sims.Most Sims will receive the same buff upon entering the landing zone except for Alien Sims for which there is an alternate buff.Every four hours throughout the day, at least five or more undisguised aliens will appear on the lot.Here are the features currently included in this trait mod: One more thing, you must have the Get to Work Expansion Pack for this Lot Trait to work at all!

If you’d rather find out the specifics through gameplay, skip the blue boxes and head down to the important information and download buttons. Different Sims will react differently to being in the landing zone and seeing the aliens. Use this lot trait to convert any non-residential lot into an alien landing zone where several aliens will regularly visit said lot.